Saturday, October 18, 2008

Elegy (2008)

Genre: Drama
Release Date : August 8th, 2008
Director : Isobel Coixet
Writer : Nicholas Meyer
Starring : Penélope Cruz, Ben Kingsley, Patricia Clarkson, Peter Sarsgaard, Dennis Hopper, Deborah Harry
Studio : MGM
Genre : Drama
Official Sites :
Rating : R sexuality, nudity and language
Runtime : 1 hour 40 minutes
Box Office : $3,456,676

Event : Nonton bareng SPICE!
Tempat: BlitzMegaplex Grand Indonesia
Tanggal : 18 Oktober 2008
Jam : 10 pagi

Kali ini berkesempatan mencicipi bioskop mewah blitzmegaplex yang bertempat di grand indonesia. meski masih menyisa kantuk, sebagai movie lovers yang penasaran, film ini tidak boleh dilewatkan begitu saja.

"Love have no boundaries" itulah tema film ini, cinta tidak mengenal batasan2 atau perbedaan2. Kira2 itulah yang terjadi pada David Kepesh (Ben Kingsley) seorang professor yg juga dosen dan pengamat seni terkenal di usia senjanya, yg pada suatu ketika jatuh hati pada salah seorang murid cantik Consuela Castillo (Penélope Cruz) di kelas yang diajarnya. Meski awalnya David hanya menginginkan seks belaka tapi pada akhirnya dia tidak memungkiri "the power of beauty" dari Consuela. Dan juga sebaliknya, Consuela pun menyambut rasa kasih sayang dan perhatian dari sang dosen yang begitu charming dan berwibawa.
Hubungan absurd tua dan muda beda 30 tahun ini berlanjut sampai pada suatu masalah karena David adalah seorang laki2 yang bebas, laki2 yang keras, seorang laki2 yang dapat menyelesaikan sendiri masalahnya. David tidak percaya pada ikatan pernikahan, bahkan di usianya kini. Meski David adalah seorang laki2 yg keras, tapi dia juga manusia yang punya perasaan, takut akan komitmen, takut akan segala hal karena usianya dan telebih takut akan kesendirian tanpa cinta apabila Consuela meninggalkan dia untuk selama2nya...

Comment & Spoiler
1. Sebuah Film yang kaya akan conversation dahsyat seorang Ben Kingsley sebagai aktor watak kelas wahid, salut! Gue kadang heran si Ben Kingsley suka menerima peran kacangan dan norak di film yg aneh2 macam "Bloodrayne" dan film yang akan datang "The Prince of Persia" :(
2. Dennis hopper, penelope cruz dan pemain2 lainnya juga tidak kalah bagusnya.. top deh. Gue sendiri kaget Dennis Hopper bisa sebriliant ini, gue hanya kenal dia di film2 laga murahan aja. Dan lagi oh Penelope...oohhh mann... cantik sekaliiii... alot nudity of her dan (tentu saja) disensor. Stupid Tom Cruise!
3. Tapi jangan salah, bila anda ingin mencari film yg menghibur seperti love actually atau 50 first date atau semacamnya di film ini itu tidak akan terjadi! Gue sarankan jangan nonton film ini, karena sangat menjemukan bagi orang2 yg sifatnya sangat tidak sabar...^o^
4. Oya film 'Elegy' ini diadaptasi dari novel karya Philip Roth yang berjudul 'The Dying Animal'.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Death Race (2008)

Genre: Action & Adventure
Release Date : August 22nd, 2008
Director : Paul W.S. Anderson
Writer : J.F. Lawton, Paul W.S. Anderson
Starring : Jason Statham, Tyrese Gibson, Joan Allen, Ian McShane, Natalie Martinez, Jason Clarke, Robin Shou.
Studio : Universal Pictures
Genre : Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Official Sites :
Rating : R for strong violence and language
Runtime : 1 hour 29 minutes
Box Office : $35,635,000

Salah satu film yang gosah mikir kalo nontonnya... just watch and enjoy, meski secara keseluruhan nggak bagus2 amat. Cuma karena yang jadi jagoannya Jason Statham dan si Natalie Martinez, cewek cakep bener yang menghiasi film brutal ini, yah seperti megan fox yang pertama kali numpang lewat di transformers, cakepnya ya kayak gitu...kalo di gambar posternya doski di sebelah kanan (ya iyalah! ^_^).
Inget2 yah teman, film ini di sutradarai Paul W. S. Anderson, yang dulu2 juga bikin film Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, Dead Or Alive dan AVP! Hahahaha pantesan rada rada gimana gitu....
Ceritanya sih tentang Jensen Ames (Jason Statham) yang tiba tiba dijebak karena membunuh istrinya, akhirnya doski masuk penjara yang penuh kriminil sadis. Rupanya ini bukan penjara biasa, sang kepala penjara (Joan Allen), punya hobi bikin pertandingan balap sampe mati (Death Race).
Mungkin anda demen film pertandingan berantem sampe mati kayak Blood Sport atau film balap2an kayak 2 Fast 2 Furious, tapi film ini adalah campuran antara keduanya! Oh ya dan juga ada pemain 2 Fast 2 Furious Tyrese Gibson disini (kebetulan?). Plus Robin Shou, Liu Kang dari Mortal Kombat (kebetulan?).
Dengan berpenampilan memakai topeng ala Jason Vorhees (lihat poster) = sama2 bernama Jason (kebetulan?) dan demi kebebasan, Jensen terpaksa ikut pertandingan melawan napi2 lain yang ikut serta meski taruhannya adalah kematian, pokoknya lawan harus mati untuk dinyatakan kalah.

Dapatkah jagoan kita ini menang dan lolos dari penjara?

Oya, di ending credit ada voice over tim jagoan oleh David Carradine, ga penting amat! Gue bahkan gatau bagiannya di sebelah mana...

Yah gitu deh... lumayanlah sambil menunggu Transporter 3..... ^o^

Monday, August 04, 2008

The Dark Knight (2008)

Release Date : July 18th, 2008
Director : Christopher Nolan
Writer : Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan
Starring : Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Eric Roberts, Anthony Michael Hall, Nestor Carbonell, Melinda McGraw, Nathan Gamble, Michael Jai White
Production : Warner Bros. Pictures
Genre : Action, Action
Official Sites :
Rating : PG-13 for for intense sequences of violence and some menace
Duration : 152 minutes

Batman yang masih menertibkan kota Gotham dari para penjahat mulai kewalahan ketika tiba-tiba The Joker, kriminal sadis berpenampilan seperti badut datang ke kota Gotham. Sudah dapat ditebak, kota Gotham menjadi kacau dan korban jiwa jatuh dimana mana termasuk dari pihak kepolisian. Untungnya Harvey Dent seorang jaksa wilayah yang baik membantu Batman dan kepolisian memerangi kejahatan. Rupanya aksi ini tidak membuat The Joker berhenti begitu saja, dengan niatan membumihanguskan Gotham, dengan rencana briliant nan gila, The Joker memulai aksinya menaklukan Batman mulai dari membunuh Rachel, Gordon dan juga membikin Jaksa Dent berpaling ke sisi jahat... yaitu membuatnya menjadi Two Face! Apakah rencana Joker akan berhasil???

Comment & Spoiler
1. Puassss!!! Setelah penantian yang begitu lama... owhhh, melihat penampilan dan akting memukau dari para pemain bikin gue tegang selama menonton, khususnya penampilan dari Heath Ledger, Jokernya sadis, phsyco banget!! Cara ketawanya, cara bicaranya... gile benerrr.. i never seen the joker like this! Ohh mannn.. keren gilaa... standing applause for Ledger!!
2. Scare Crow muncul diawal meski cuman sebentar.
3. Batpod merupakan pecahan dari The Tumbler, tapi keluarnya bukan dari tengah seperti mainannya, tapi dari sisi ban sebelah kirinya.
4. Ada Eric Roberts disini, gue teringat film DOA yang sampah abiss.
5. Tidak akan ada lagi Rachel Dawes
6. Sebisa mungkin jangan ajak anak2 kecil nonton film ini, cukup dibelikan maenannya saja.
7. Kurang puas nonton sekali, yang jelas akan nonton lagi.
8. See you at the movies folks!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

tuhan sembilan senti

copas dari mas Toto


Indonesia adalah sorga luar biasa ramah bagi perokok, tapi tempat
siksa tak tertahankan bagi orang yang tak merokok,

Di sawah petani merokok, di pabrik pekerja merokok, di kantor
pegawai merokok, di kabinet menteri merokok, di reses parlemen anggota
DPR merokok, di Mahkamah Agung yang bergaun toga merokok,
hansip-bintara-perwira nongkrong merokok, di perkebunan pemetik buah
kopi merokok, di perahu nelayan penjaring ikan merokok, di pabrik
petasan pemilik modalnya merokok, di pekuburan sebelum masuk kubur orang

Indonesia adalah semacam firdaus-jannatu-na'im sangat ramah bagi
perokok, tapi tempat siksa kubur hidup-hidup bagi orang yang tak

Di balik pagar SMU murid-murid mencuri-curi merokok, di ruang kepala
sekolah ada guru merokok, di kampus mahasiswa merokok, di ruang kuliah
dosen merokok, di rapat POMG orang tua murid merokok, di perpustakaan
kecamatan ada siswa bertanya apakah ada buku tuntunan cara merokok,

Di angkot Kijang penumpang merokok, di bis kota sumpek yang berdiri
yang duduk orang bertanding merokok, di loket penjualan karcis orang
merokok, di kereta api penuh sesak orang festival merokok, di kapal
penyeberangan antar pulau penumpang merokok, di andong Yogya kusirnya
merokok, sampai kabarnya kuda andong minta diajari pula merokok,

Negeri kita ini sungguh nirwana kayangan para dewa-dewa bagi
perokok, tapi tempat cobaan sangat berat bagi orang yang tak merokok,

Rokok telah menjadi dewa, berhala, tuhan baru, diam-diam menguasai

Di pasar orang merokok, di warung Tegal pengunjung merokok, di
restoran di toko buku orang merokok, di kafe di diskotik para pengunjung

Bercakap-cakap kita jarak setengah meter tak tertahankan asap rokok,
bayangkan isteri-isteri yang bertahun-tahun menderita di kamar tidur
ketika melayani para suami yang bau mulut dan hidungnya mirip asbak

Duduk kita di tepi tempat tidur ketika dua orang bergumul saling
menularkan HIV-AIDS sesamanya, tapi kita tidak ketularan penyakitnya.
Duduk kita disebelah orang yang dengan cueknya mengepulkan asap rokok di
kantor atau di stopan bus, kita ketularan penyakitnya. Nikotin lebih
jahat penularannya ketimbang HIV-AIDS,

Indonesia adalah sorga kultur pengembangbiakan nikotin paling subur
di dunia, dan kita yang tak langsung menghirup sekali pun asap tembakau
itu, bisa ketularan kena,

Di puskesmas pedesaan orang kampung merokok, di apotik yang antri
obat merokok, di panti pijat tamu-tamu disilahkan merokok, di ruang
tunggu dokter pasien merokok, dan ada juga dokter-dokter merokok,

Istirahat main tenis orang merokok, di pinggir lapangan voli orang
merokok, menyandang raket badminton orang merokok, pemain bola PSSI
sembunyi-sembunyi merokok, panitia pertandingan balap mobil,
pertandingan bulutangkis, turnamen sepakbola mengemis-ngemis mencium
kaki sponsor perusahaan rokok,

Di kamar kecil 12 meter kubik, sambil 'ek-'ek orang goblok merokok,
di dalam lift gedung 15 tingkat dengan tak acuh orang goblok merokok, di
ruang sidang ber-AC penuh, dengan cueknya, pakai dasi, orang-orang
goblok merokok,

Indonesia adalah semacam firdaus-jannatu-na'im sangat ramah bagi
orang perokok, tapi tempat siksa kubur hidup-hidup bagi orang yang tak

Rokok telah menjadi dewa, berhala, tuhan baru, diam-diam menguasai

Di sebuah ruang sidang ber-AC penuh, duduk sejumlah ulama terhormat
merujuk kitab kuning dan mempersiapkan sejumlah fatwa. Mereka ulama ahli
hisap. Haasaba, yuhaasibu, hisaaban. Bukan ahli hisab ilmu falak, tapi
ahli hisap rokok. Di antara jari telunjuk dan jari tengah mereka
terselip berhala-berhala kecil, sembilan senti panjangnya, putih
warnanya, ke mana-mana dibawa dengan setia, satu kantong dengan kalung
tasbih 99 butirnya,

Mengintip kita dari balik jendela ruang sidang, tampak kebanyakan
mereka memegang rokok dengan tangan kanan, cuma sedikit yang memegang
dengan tangan kiri. Inikah gerangan pertanda yang terbanyak kelompok
ashabul yamiin dan yang sedikit golongan ashabus syimaal?

Asap rokok mereka mengepul-ngepul di ruangan AC penuh itu. Mamnu'ut
tadkhiin, ya ustadz. Laa tasyrabud dukhaan, ya ustadz. Kyai, ini ruangan
ber-AC penuh. Haadzihi al ghurfati malii'atun bi mukayyafi al hawwa'i.
Kalau tak tahan, di luar itu sajalah merokok. Laa taqtuluu anfusakum.

Min fadhlik, ya ustadz. 25 penyakit ada dalam khamr. Khamr
diharamkan. 15 penyakit ada dalam daging khinzir (babi). Daging khinzir
diharamkan. 4000 zat kimia beracun ada pada sebatang rokok. Patutnya
rokok diapakan?

Tak perlu dijawab sekarang, ya ustadz. Wa yuharrimu 'alayhimul
khabaaith. Mohon ini direnungkan tenang-tenang, karena pada zaman
Rasulullah dahulu, sudah ada alkohol, sudah ada babi, tapi belum ada

Jadi ini PR untuk para ulama. Tapi jangan karena ustadz ketagihan
rokok, lantas hukumnya jadi dimakruh-makruhkan, jangan,

Para ulama ahli hisap itu terkejut mendengar perbandingan ini.
Banyak yang diam-diam membunuh tuhan-tuhan kecil yang kepalanya berapi
itu, yaitu ujung rokok mereka. Kini mereka berfikir. Biarkan mereka
berfikir. Asap rokok di ruangan ber-AC itu makin pengap, dan ada yang
mulai terbatuk-batuk,

Pada saat sajak ini dibacakan malam hari ini, sejak tadi pagi sudah
120 orang di Indonesia mati karena penyakit rokok. Korban penyakit rokok
lebih dahsyat ketimbang korban kecelakaan lalu lintas, lebih gawat
ketimbang bencana banjir, gempa bumi dan longsor, cuma setingkat di
bawah korban narkoba,

Pada saat sajak ini dibacakan, berhala-berhala kecil itu sangat
berkuasa di negara kita, jutaan jumlahnya, bersembunyi di dalam kantong
baju dan celana, dibungkus dalam kertas berwarni dan berwarna,
diiklankan dengan indah dan cerdasnya,

Tidak perlu wudhu atau tayammum menyucikan diri, tidak perlu ruku'
dan sujud untuk taqarrub pada tuhan-tuhan ini, karena orang akan khusyuk
dan fana dalam nikmat lewat upacara menyalakan api dan sesajen asap
tuhan-tuhan ini,

Rabbana, beri kami kekuatan menghadapi berhala-berhala ini

Taufiq Ismail

Wednesday, March 19, 2008



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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

559 Bahan Berbahaya Pada Rokok

diambil dari mas Ferry

Daftar 599 bahan tambah yang di setujui oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat untuk digunakan pada industri rokok dan diwajibkan untuk di ketahui oleh para perokok, daftarnya kemudian di sodorkan oleh lima industri rokok terbesar di Amerika kepada departemen kesehatan Amerika pada bulan April 1994. Sebelumnya, daftar berbahaya ini dirahasiakan oleh pabrik-pabrik rokok tersebut.

Pabrik rokok yang memberikan laporan antara lain adalah:

1. American Tobacco Company
2. Brown and Williamson
3. Liggett Group, Inc.
4. Philip Morris Inc.
5. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

559 bahan berbahaya tersebut antara lain adalah:

Acetic Acid
2-Acetyl-3- Ethylpyrazine
Aconitic Acid
Alfalfa Extract

Allspice Extract,Oleoresin, and Oil
Allyl Hexanoate
Allyl Ionone
Almond Bitter Oil
Ambergris Tincture
Ammonium Bicarbonate
Ammonium Hydroxide
Ammonium Phosphate Dibasic
Ammonium Sulfide
Amyl Alcohol
Amyl Butyrate
Amyl Formate
Amyl Octanoate
Amyris Oil
Angelica Root Extract, Oil and Seed Oil
Anise Star, Extract and Oils
Anisyl Acetate
Anisyl Alcohol
Anisyl Formate
Anisyl Phenylacetate
Apple Juice Concentrate, Extract, and Skins
Apricot Extract and Juice Concentrate
Asafetida Fluid Extract And Oil
Ascorbic Acid
1-Asparagine Monohydrate
1-Aspartic Acid
Balsam Peru and Oil
Basil Oil
Bay Leaf, Oil and Sweet Oil
Beeswax White
Beet Juice Concentrate
Benzaldehyde Glyceryl Acetal
Benzoic Acid, Benzoin
Benzoin Resin
Benzyl Alcohol
Benzyl Benzoate
Benzyl Butyrate
Benzyl Cinnamate
Benzyl Propionate
Benzyl Salicylate
Bergamot Oil
Black Currant Buds Absolute
Bornyl Acetate
Buchu Leaf Oil
Butter, Butter Esters, and Butter Oil
Butyl Acetate
Butyl Butyrate
Butyl Butyryl Lactate
Butyl Isovalerate
Butyl Phenylacetate
Butyl Undecylenate
Butyric Acid]
Calcium Carbonate
Cananga Oil
Capsicum Oleoresin
Caramel Color
Caraway Oil
Carbon Dioxide
Cardamom Oleoresin, Extract, Seed Oil, and Powder
Carob Bean and Extract
Carrot Oil
beta-Caryophyllene Oxide
Cascarilla Oil and Bark Extract
Cassia Bark Oil
Cassie Absolute and Oil
Castoreum Extract, Tincture and Absolute
Cedar Leaf Oil
Cedarwood Oil Terpenes and Virginiana
Celery Seed Extract, Solid, Oil, And Oleoresin
Cellulose Fiber
Chamomile Flower Oil And Extract
Chicory Extract
Cinnamic Acid
Cinnamon Leaf Oil, Bark Oil, and Extract
Cinnamyl Acetate
Cinnamyl Alcohol
Cinnamyl Cinnamate
Cinnamyl Isovalerate
Cinnamyl Propionate
Citric Acid
Citronella Oil
Citronellyl Butyrate
itronellyl Isobutyrate
Civet Absolute
Clary Oil
Clover Tops, Red Solid Extract
Cocoa Shells, Extract, Distillate And Powder
Coconut Oil
Cognac White and Green Oil
Copaiba Oil
Coriander Extract and Oil
Corn Oil
Corn Silk
Costus Root Oil
Cubeb Oil

Dandelion Root Solid Extract
Davana Oil
2-trans, 4-trans-Decadienal
Decanoic Acid
Diethyl Malonate
Diethyl Sebacate

Dihydro Anethole
5,7-Dihydro-2-Methylthieno(3,4-D) Pyrimidine
Dill Seed Oil and Extract

Dimethyl Succinate
3,4-Dimethyl-1,2 Cyclopentanedione
3,5- Dimethyl-1,2-Cyclopentanedione
3,7-Dimethyl-6-Octenoic Acid
2,4 Dimethylacetophenone
alpha,para-Dimethylbenzyl Alcohol
alpha,alpha-Dimethylphenethyl Acetate
alpha,alpha Dimethylphenethyl Butyrate

Ethyl 10-Undecenoate
Ethyl 2-Methylbutyrate
Ethyl Acetate
Ethyl Acetoacetate
Ethyl Alcohol
Ethyl Benzoate

Ethyl Butyrate
Ethyl Cinnamate
Ethyl Decanoate
Ethyl Fenchol
Ethyl Furoate
Ethyl Heptanoate
Ethyl Hexanoate
Ethyl Isovalerate
Ethyl Lactate
Ethyl Laurate
Ethyl Levulinate
Ethyl Maltol
Ethyl Methyl Phenylglycidate
Ethyl Myristate
Ethyl Nonanoate
Ethyl Octadecanoate
Ethyl Octanoate
Ethyl Oleate
Ethyl Palmitate
Ethyl Phenylacetate
Ethyl Propionate
Ethyl Salicylate
Ethyl trans-2-Butenoate
Ethyl Valerate
Ethyl Vanillin
2-Ethyl (or Methyl)-(3,5 and 6)-Methoxypyrazine
2-Ethyl-1-Hexanol, 3-Ethyl -2 -Hydroxy-2-Cyclopenten-1-One
2-Ethyl-3, (5 or 6)-Dimethylpyrazine
Fennel Sweet Oil
Fenugreek, Extract, Resin, and Absolute
Fig Juice Concentrate
Food Starch Modified
Furfuryl Mercaptan
Galbanum Oil
Genet Absolute
Gentian Root Extract
Geranium Rose Oil
Geranyl Acetate
Geranyl Butyrate
Geranyl Formate
Geranyl Isovalerate
Geranyl Phenylacetate
Ginger Oil and Oleoresin
1-Glutamic Acid
Glycyrrhizin Ammoniated
Grape Juice Concentrate
Guaiac Wood Oil
Guar Gum
Heptanoic Acid
trans -2-Heptenal
Heptyl Acetate
Hexanoic Acid
cis-3-Hexen-1-Yl Acetate
3-Hexenoic Acid
trans-2-Hexenoic Acid
cis-3-Hexenyl Formate
Hexyl 2-Methylbutyrate
Hexyl Acetate
Hexyl Alcohol
Hexyl Phenylacetate
Hops Oil
Hydrolyzed Milk Solids
Hydrolyzed Plant Proteins
5-Hydroxy-2,4-Decadienoic Acid delta- Lactone
4-Hydroxy -3-Pentenoic Acid Lactone
4-Hydroxybutanoic Acid Lactone
Hyssop Oil
Immortelle Absolute and Extract
Isoamyl Acetate
Isoamyl Benzoate
Isoamyl Butyrate
Isoamyl Cinnamate
Isoamyl Formate, Isoamyl Hexanoate
Isoamyl Isovalerate
Isoamyl Octanoate
Isoamyl Phenylacetate
Isobornyl Acetate
Isobutyl Acetate
Isobutyl Alcohol
Isobutyl Cinnamate
Isobutyl Phenylacetate
Isobutyl Salicylate
alpha-Isobutylphenethyl Alcohol
Isobutyric Acid
Isovaleric Acid
Jasmine Absolute, Concrete and Oil
Kola Nut Extract
Labdanum Absolute and Oleoresin
Lactic Acid
Lauric Acid
Lauric Aldehyde
Lavandin Oil
Lavender Oil
Lemon Oil and Extract
Lemongrass Oil
Levulinic Acid
Licorice Root, Fluid, Extract and Powder
Lime Oil
Linalool Oxide
Linalyl Acetate
Linden Flowers
Lovage Oil And Extract
Mace Powder, Extract and Oil
Magnesium Carbonate
Malic Acid
Malt and Malt Extract
Maltyl Isobutyrate
Mandarin Oil
Maple Syrup and Concentrate
Mate Leaf, Absolute and Oil
Menthyl Acetate
Methyl 2-Furoate
Methyl 2-Octynoate
Methyl 2-Pyrrolyl Ketone
Methyl Anisate
Methyl Anthranilate
Methyl Benzoate
Methyl Cinnamate
Methyl Dihydrojasmonate
Methyl Ester of Rosin, Partially Hydrogenated
Methyl Isovalerate
Methyl Linoleate (48%)
Methyl Linolenate (52%) Mixture
Methyl Naphthyl Ketone
Methyl Nicotinate
Methyl Phenylacetate
Methyl Salicylate
Methyl Sulfide
2-Methyl-3-(para-Isopropylphenyl) Propionaldehyde

Methyl-trans-2-Butenoic Acid
alpha-Methylbenzyl Acetate
alpha-Methylbenzyl Alcohol

2-Methylbutyric Acid
2-Methylheptanoic Acid
2-Methylhexanoic Acid
3-Methylpentanoic Acid
4-Methylpentanoic Acid
(Methylthio)Methylpyrazine (Mixture Of Isomers)
Methyl 3-Methylthiopropionate
2-Methylvaleric Acid
Mimosa Absolute and Extract
Molasses Extract and Tincture
Mountain Maple Solid Extract
Mullein Flowers
Myristic Acid
Myrrh Oil
beta-Napthyl Ethyl Ether
Neroli Bigarde Oil
Nonanoic Acid
Nonyl Acetate
Nutmeg Powder and Oil
Oak Chips Extract and Oil
Oak Moss Absolute
9,12-Octadecadienoic Acid (48%) And 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic Acid (52%)
Octanoic Acid
1-Octen-3-Yl Acetate
Octyl Isobutyrate
Oleic Acid
Olibanum Oil
Opoponax Oil And Gum
Orange Blossoms Water, Absolute, and Leaf Absolute
Orange Oil and Extract
Origanum Oil
Orris Concrete Oil and Root Extract
Palmarosa Oil
Palmitic Acid
Parsley Seed Oil
Patchouli Oil
4-Pentenoic Acid
Pepper Oil, Black And White
Peppermint Oil
Peruvian (Bois De Rose) Oil
Petitgrain Absolute, Mandarin Oil and Terpeneless Oil
2-Phenenthyl Acetate
Phenenthyl Alcohol
Phenethyl Butyrate
Phenethyl Cinnamate
Phenethyl Isobutyrate
Phenethyl Isovalerate
Phenethyl Phenylacetate
Phenethyl Salicylate
Phenylacetic Acid
3-Phenylpropionic Acid
3-Phenylpropyl Acetate
3-Phenylpropyl Cinnamate
Phosphoric Acid
Pimenta Leaf Oil
Pine Needle Oil, Pine Oil, Scotch
Pineapple Juice Concentrate
alpha-Pinene, beta-Pinene
Pipsissewa Leaf Extract
Plum Juice
Potassium Sorbate
Propionic Acid
Propyl Acetate
Propyl para-Hydroxybenzoate
Propylene Glycol
Prune Juice and Concentrate
Pyroligneous Acid And Extract
Pyruvic Acid
Raisin Juice Concentrate
Rose Absolute and Oil
Rosemary Oil
Rum Ether
Rye Extract
Sage, Sage Oil, and Sage Oleoresin
Sandalwood Oil, Yellow
Smoke Flavor
Snakeroot Oil
Sodium Acetate
Sodium Benzoate
Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium Carbonate
Sodium Chloride
Sodium Citrate
Sodium Hydroxide
Spearmint Oil
Styrax Extract, Gum and Oil
Sucrose Octaacetate
Sugar Alcohols
Tagetes Oil
Tannic Acid
Tartaric Acid
Tea Leaf and Absolute
Terpinyl Acetate
2,3,4,5, and 3,4,5,6-Tetramethylethyl-Cyclohexanone
Thiamine Hydrochloride
Thyme Oil, White and Red
Tobacco Extracts
Tochopherols (mixed)
Tolu Balsam Gum and Extract
para-Tolyl 3-Methylbutyrate
para-Tolyl Acetaldehyde
para-Tolyl Acetate
para-Tolyl Isobutyrate
para-Tolyl Phenylacetate
Triethyl Citrate
3,5,5-Trimethyl -1-Hexanol
para,alpha,alpha-Trimethylbenzyl Alcohol
2,6,6-Trimethylcyclohexa-1,3-Dienyl Methan
2-Undecanone, 1
Valerian Root Extract, Oil and Powder
Valeric Acid
Vanilla Extract And Oleoresin
Vetiver Oil
Violet Leaf Absolute
Walnut Hull Extract
Wheat Extract And Flour
Wild Cherry Bark Extract
Wine and Wine Sherry
Xanthan Gum

....bagi yg belom jangan pernah coba2 ya! dan bagi yg sudah sebisanya di stop deh...

Sunday, March 16, 2008

happy birthday 2 me, yay! i'm getting old!

Sebenernya males sih mau nulis ini dan merangkai kata2.. yah emang gue itu orang yang males untuk menulis... kalo ngegambar aja gimana??? :D

Okey... yap emang di hari senin ini gue ultah... sama sih seperti tahun2 lalu juga bedanya mungkin daya ingat semakin berkurang, keriput dan lemak tambah banyak disana sini... hehehe...

Oya terima kasih untuk teman2 yang sudah mengucapkan selamat, terima kasih buat pertemanan via maya di multiply selama ini, bila ada kata2 dan perilaku gue yang salah dan tidak menyenangkan mohon dimaafkan ya....dan semoga tentu saja kita semua selalu berada dalam lindungan-Nya amiennn...

Jadi segitu aja dulu... *lho* emang udah selesai ya??? hahaha.. emang gue mau nulis apaan lagi yak??? sebenernya sih banyak banget yang pengen ditulis.. hmmmm

terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih..... (^_^)!


Entah dari mana datangnya pertanyaan ini gue mau ikutan ahhh...

The Rules
Copy and paste this on your page, delete the answers and type in yours. Rather than giving it the same title like I did, use any title desired. Therefore it will increase the success rate of anyone else trapped into making this :D

Three jobs I have had in my life:
1. Graphic Designer
2. Web Designer
3. Art Designer...
(semuanya gajauh beda yak)

Three movies I would watch over and over:
1. My Sassy Girl
2. Transformers Michael Bay
3. AV

Three Places I have Lived:
1. Banda Aceh (3 years)... so shocked when tsunami happens..
2. Pekanbaru, Riau (3 years)... karena deket, kita nyebrang ke singapore.. akhirnya pernah merasakan "luar negeri" :D
3. Sawahlunto, Sumbar (3 years)... nasi kapaunya kaga ada yg bisa ngalahin!!

Three TV Shows that I watch:
1. Tokusatsu's (kamen rider, ultraman)
2. Sitkom (Friends. 3rd rock from the sun, etc..)
3. Doraemon

Three Places I have been:
1. Indonesia
2. Indonesia
3. Indonesia

Three of my Favorite Foods:
1. nasi yang ada dagingnya
2. mie yang ada dagingnya
3. sayuran yang ada dagingnya

Three Places I’d rather be right now: (in no order)
1. Home (sudah kesampaian karena ini ngisinya dirumah)

2. ...

3. ...

Three Friends I'm sure will respond:
and you!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The 100 Best Toys Of The Decade

Toyfare magazine counts down the 100 best toys of the decade! Originally featured on the Wizard Universe website.

A pity it's just the best toys of the last DECADE, which means we won't see goodies like Rhino from M.A.S.K. or Shockwave from Transformers.

10 YEARS, 100 TOYS
' celebrates 10 years of great toys by counting down the 100 best toys of the decade!

From 1997 onward, toys only got better and better as companies continued to raise the stakes and collector tastes continued to mature. From #100 to #1, these are the figures whose articulation, sculpt, playability and overall cool factor had us in a perpetual state of regression. The rules were simple: it had to have come out in 1997 or later, and no re-issues of toys made pre-1997 were eligible. (Sorry, Imperial Shuttle.)

You may not see some figures here that you think were among the bes
t, but the competition was fierce, and sometimes we had to pick a single character from a line where most of the figures deserved to be here. Regardless, we think all of these toys are top-notch examples of what made the last decade so frickin’ awesome for toy collectors. So it is written…

100. Iron Man
MiniMates, Diamond Select Toys/Art Asylum, 2004 $12/$2 (w/Ghost Rider)
Even though
it doesn’t have Drunken Stumbling Action, it’s got everything else a fan could want: a blasting hand, a removable helmet and removable hair for when the helmet comes off!

99. The Joker
Justice League, DC Direct, 2006 $32/$8
Alex Ross’ Joker oozes more sinister vibes than a closetful of Jeffrey Dah
mers. The sculpt and painstaking detail combine to create a figure so lifelike, we refuse to sleep in the same room with it.

98. Ultimate Warrior (Version 1)
lassic Superstars, JAKKS Pacific, 2004 $50/$12
Hear us
, brethren! The grandiosity of the Warrior is not to be under-pontificated. His glistening, sinewy pectorals, his braggadocio visage, his Whitesnake-era mane—it’s positively veridical.

97. Angel Buffy Palz
Palisades To
ys, 2004 $7/$2
Palisades’ PAL
z line brought something new to block figures—each figure (like soulful vamp Angel) was really two figures, with accessories aplenty to transform them into a totally new version!

96. Phantom of the Opera Playset
McFarlane Mo
nsters, McFarlane Toys, 1998 $12/$3
g back to golden days of playsets gone by, this set is packed with fun features like a falling chandelier. Even the organ is superbly detailed!

95. Hal Jordan
Green Lantern, DC Direct, 2005 $15/$4

We miss
ed the once-dead Hal Jordan in the way only nerds missing a fictional character can. To celebrate his return, DCD gave us this great sculpt—the quintissential Jordan Green Lantern figure.

94. Gandalf the White
Lord of the Rings MiniMates, Art Asylum, 2004 $10/$4 (w/The
Though he can
’t turn his head due to his majestic beard, Gandalf’s intricate accessories and outfit showed block figures can be more than just big Legos.

93. Nightcrawler
X2: X-Men Unit
ed, Toy Biz, 2003 $20/$5
This dead-on sculpt of a blue Teutonic Alan Cumming is everything
we want a movie toy to be. Best of all—it’s mega-poseable (just like Nightcrawler), down to his deadly wire-poseable tail.

92. The Horrid
Spawn, McFarla
ne Toys, 1998 $12/$3
his static Dragons line, McFarlane made this poseable, winged beast for his Spawn line. Nearly 10 years later and no one has ever made a better, more poseable or creepier dragon figure.

91. Jareth the Goblin King
Labyrinth, NECA, 2007 $18/$4
We’ll say it: Da
vid Bowie is a beautiful man, and this fig based on his role in the 1986 movie Labyrinth is a majestic duplicate. It would be a great figure even if we hadn’t been waiting 20 years for it.

90. Supergirl
DC Stars, Tonner Doll, 2007 $100/$25

If all dol
ls were as cool as Supergirl, we’d be the all-Barbie magazine. Renowned sculptor Robert Tonner crafted this cloth-costumed Kara with a fan’s touch, right down to some bouncy curls. Hot.

89. Mandarin Spawn
Spawn, McF
arlane Toys, 1999 $20/$5
the most creatively sculpted and painted armor we’ve ever seen, it delivers Asian fantasy better than Devon Aoki and Lucy Liu in the same tub.

88. Cobra Commander
G.I. Joe: Sigma 6, Hasbro, 2005 $16/$14
Joes a thorn in your side? Threaten them with a scepter bigger than your entire friggin’ body. T
his kick-ass CC is armed to the teeth and features a battle-damageable chest a la classic He-Man.

87. Crazy 88 Director Quentin Tarantino
Kill Bill, NECA, 2004 (E: SDCC/WWC) $20/$5

Lantern-jawed director QT got in on
the figure action with this Kill Bill novelty. As one of the Crazy 88 ninja army, he comes with a pump that sprays blood from his severed limbs. Best action feature ever!

86. Ice Armor He-Man
Masters of the Universe, Mattel, 2003 $10/$2
He-Man in cool,
cartoon-accurate Artic garb somehow reminds us of Conan, only with bangs. Sure, it’s not the basic figure, but details like his huge furry boots make this our favorite re-imagined He-Man.

85. Jack Skellington
The Nightmare Before Christmas, NECA, 2004 $25/$6

to a stop-motion source inspiration, this figure of Nightmare Before Christmas star Jack is a perfect likeness, skinnier than Lindsay Lohan and more articulated to boot!

84. Guile
Street Fighter,
SOTA, 2005 $15/$4
Street Fighter Guile is responsible for a lot of lost weekends (and quarters), so we were jazzed to see his crewcut in fine form, complete with comb-bearin
g hand so he can comb his hair after he kicks your ass.

83. Wolverine (Brown Costume)
Marvel Legends, Toy Biz, 2004 $16/$4
Forget yellow: the definitive Wolvie is right here in his poop-brown spandex duds and rocking some
hyper-exaggerated claws. Jim Lee would be proud.

82. Marv
Sin Cit
y, McFarlane Toys, 1999 $20/$6
The ba
ddest bastich from Frank Miller’s Sin City looks like he stepped off the page and has great extras: a hatchet and the severed head of archrival Kevin. That’s circumstantial evidence, Your Honor.

81. Stormtrooper
Star Wars Vintage Original T
rilogy Collection, Hasbro, 2004 $24/$5
There’s something inherently iconic about a gloss-white Empire lackey, and Hasbro
got it perfectly right for their “vintage” line with this, the best version of the trooper ever. If we were rich we’d buy 100.

80. Starscream
World’s Smallest Transformers, Takara, 2003 na/$20
What’s less than two inches long and looks amazing? If you said anything but “this Starscream,” get help. The self-explanatory fig pack
s in all the transforming goodness with three times the portability.

79. Mr. Spock
Star Trek:
The original series, Art Asylum, 2003 $20/$5
Choosing one figure from Art Asylum’s line of well-sculpted and well-articulated Trek fi
gures was tough, but Spock has a great likeness. Plus: Vulcan salute hand!

78. Han Solo & Tauntaun
Star W
ars Collector Series, Hasbro, 1997 $50/$25
With a Tauntaun so huge you could almost ride it yourself, this ode to Empire is a fan’s icy-wet dream. Harrison Ford appears well bundled for the harsh times ahead, including Sabrina.

77. Hulk
ML Face-Off, Toy Biz, 2006 $20/$5 (w/Leader)
Hulk been hittin’ the gym! This version of the (not so) jolly green giant comes complete wi
th a Leader figure to throttle. He’s the best true Hulk fig made to date, and that’s saying a lot.

76. Green Lantern
DC Deluxe, DC
Direct, 2006 $185/$45
This foot-t
all Jordan rocks our socks off in every conceivable way: removable mask, cloth costume and a light-up power battery. Any cooler and we’d have to store it in the freezer.

75. Meister
rmers Alternators, Hasbro, 2005 $30/$20
If you think all of the best Transformers were made in the ’80s, you don’t know nothin’. Meister converts into a crazy-detailed Mazda RX-8, making him the Jazz we always wanted to own when we were

74. Batman
DC Super heroes, 2006 $18/$14
Sculpted by th
e Four Horsemen, this lithe, athletic-looking Batman is ultra-poseable! Stand him up right and it looks like he’s pondering the best way to beat your ass.

73. Grimlo
Transformers Classics, Hasbro, 2006 $20/$8

Grimlock am awesome, but Grimlock in dire need of updating. Hasbro am kind to Grimlock, adding
new sculpt to make for fearsome dinosaur warrior. Now Grimlock just need learn how to love.

72. Storm Shadow
G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary 5-packs, Hasbro, 2007 $50/$4

Classic St
orm Shadow always looked vaguely like a bored guy playing ninja dress-up. This 25th anniversary re-imagining looks like the silent killer we’ve known from the comics.

71. Harr
y Potter
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, NECA, 2007 (E: SDCC/WWC) NA/NA

With articulation added for better spell-casting, the
best-looking Harry ever comes complete with Hedwig and a wand so you can make it look like he’s placing unforgivable curses on co-workers.

70. Stephen Hawking
SIMPSONS, Playmates, 2003 $22/$8
Renowned physicist Hawking is armed for trouble in this, easily the most wonderfully bizarre of the Simpsons line and every scientist’s favorite toy. His wheelchair is equipped with helicopter rotors and a boxing glove!

69. Final War godzilla (w/Billy)
Microman Kiguru, Takara, 2004 $16/$4
This Japanese import shrinks the iconic monster down to palm size and adds a bonus: th
e super-poseable Microman “playing” Godzilla comes out of the rubber suit!

68. 10th Anniversary Spawn
Spawn, McFarlane Toys, 2002 $20/$5

The demon-spawn has never been more poseable t
han he was for his birthday, which has him rocking a blood-red removable cape and more articulation than any McFarlane figure ever.

67. Captain America
Marvel Legends, Toy Biz, 2002 $20/$8
It may n
ot be the bodybuilder Cap of the Face-Off line, but even after 16 waves it’s still our fave. Add in a brilliant shield and 34 points of articulation and you understand why the Legends line became a phenomenon.

66. Clubber Lang (Street Gear)
Rocky III, JAKKS Pacific, 2007 $16/$4
Mr. T’s Lang was the only dude to really hand Stallone his ass. (Unless you count the Australian
government.) He gets the royal treatment here, including his trademark snarl, making this the best Mr. T toy ever.

65. Kaneda w/Motorcycle
3-D Animation from Japan, McFarlane Toys, 2001 $22/$5
Akira broke new anime ground, so it’s only fitting that its characters be honored with awesome toys. Kaneda comes with his bike in a sculpt so vivid it looks like it might start screaming, “Tetsuooooooo!”

64. Patrick “Iron” O’Brian
Gangsters, Mezco, 2003 $14/$4
Original lines are increasingly (and distressingly) rare, and Mezco’s line of faux ’30s gangsters really tickled our fancy. Our favorite was O’Brian, with his jaunty cap and gigantic pipe. For the beatings.

63. Catwoman
Takara, 2004 $16/$4
We love Takara’s Microman figures even when they’re just non-descript guys with silver heads. So seeing them work their magic on a favorite character like
this sleek, sexy modern Catwoman is that much sweeter.

62. Darth Vader

Real Action Heroes, Medicom, 2005 $135/$75

Medicom’s 12-inch figures are renowned for being poseble and dynamic. Their Vader, complete with removable helmet, is more lifelike than Hayden Christensen ever was.

61. Bowser w/Go-Cart
Super Mario Ka
rt, Toy Biz, 1999 $75/$22
You wanna see a dinosaur drive? Can’t afford acid? Here ya go. Toy B
iz’s Kart figures are the best Nintendo toys, and their detailed Bowser stands out from the pack.

60. Green Goblin
Marvel Legends, Toy Biz, 2006 $16/$8
Forget the metallic Willem Dafoe of the movies: this is the real incarnati
on of the Goblin, with his face the stuff of nightmares and a purse full of pumpkin bombs. Four Horsemen sculpting plus Legends articulation prove a match made in heaven.

59. Mechana
ted Robot w/Bear Stikfas, Hasbro, 2003 $12/$3
Stikfas grabbed us from the get-go with their unique articulation and character design, but our favorite is this stylish robot, with his individually articulated knuckles and evil
teddy bear nemesis.

58. Boba Fett

Star Wars
Vintage Original Trilogy Collection, Hasbro, 2004 $20/$5
The beauty of Star Wars is how lived-in the galaxy seems: this detailed, highly poseable Fett’s scratched armor looks like he was on the wrong end of a thermal detonator.

57. Hulk Buster Iron Man

Marvel Legends
, Toy Biz, 2005 $20/$5
This jacked-up Iron Man is ready to match fists with
the Green Goliath. Flip open his helmet to reveal filthy lush Tony, who is, predictably, rife with booze sweat.

56. Batm
DC Deluxe, DC Direct, 2006 $80/$20

A cowl circa
Adam West, an emblem circa Frank Miller, and an attitude courtesy of Christian Bale: if ever a Batman figure perfectly combined his styles from various eras and artists, this 13-incher is it.

55. Kilowog

Green Lantern, DC Direct, 2005 $20/$5
The ugliest hero since the Thing, the Green Lantern Corps’ massive bruiser Kilowog is accoun
ted for in all his baby-pink glory. If you didn’t go crazy the first time you saw this figure, you’re a poozer.

54. Ultimate Iron Giant
The Iron Giant, Trendmasters, 1999 $200/$100

Screw Bambi: The
Iron Giant is the real cartoon weeper. This 20-inch behemoth has a big ol’ maw to eat cars with, plus, electronic lights and sounds and a figure of his li’l human buddy, Hogarth

53. Colossus
Marvel legends, Toy Biz, 2003 $40/$18
The burliest X-Man of them all also has one of the coolest character designs, captured perfectly down to the last metal strip in this figure. It looks like an Art Adams cover come to super-articulated life.

52. Unicron
Transformers: armada, Hasbro, 2002 $60/$30

The only figure based on a character voiced by Orson Welles, this 16
-inch monstrosity changes from battle-ready badass to planet mode, just like we’ve been waiting for since 1986.

51. Monev the Gale
Trigun: The Planet Gunsmoke, Kaiyodo, 2000 $55/$20
Who the what, now? Forget the byzantine mythology of the Trigun anime t
his spawned from and enjoy its 100 separate pieces and dozens of possible poses. So sturdy, the thing actually has a skeleton!

50. Hawkman
Superman/Batman, DC Direct, 2007 $16/$4
Fans practically revolted that this Ed McGuinness-based Hawkman was so
huge. But it reminds us of the days when toys were giant pieces of plastic with removable gauntlets, and for that we love it.

49. Juggernaut
Marvel legends
, Toy Biz, 2004 $44/$25
When it come
s to the ‘Naut, go big or go home. The Biz stepped to the challenge, crafting a ripped Cain Marko that looks like it could separate you from consciousness.

48. “Piper’s Pit” Rowdy Roddy Piper
WWE Classic Superstars, JAKKS Pacific, 2005 (E: ToyFare) $30/$10
Biased? Don’t mind if we do. This mag-exclusive Piper rocks his trademark kilt and leat
her jacket. The only things missing? Jimmy Snuka and a coconut. (We’re working on it.)

47. Helm’s Deep Legolas
Lord of the rings: the two towers, Toy Biz, 2003 $10/$4
In addition to a creepy-perfect likeness of Orlando Bloom, this Elven archer has a crazy acticulation and a terrific arrow-shooting action. Buy it for Rivendell!

46. Devastator
Transformers Classics, Hasbro, 2007 (E: Wal-mart) $35/$16
This Devastator has enormous meat hooks, all the better to strangle
Optimus Prime with. This repaint of a previous version looks much better—arguably even better than the 1980s original.

45. VF-1A Veritech Fighter (1/60-Scale)
Macross do you remember love, Yamato, 2002 $125/$65

Jetfire this ain’t. This Robotech offering features the same three distinct forms: fighter plane,
gun-toting robot and a plane with legs, but with a ton more detail and articulation.

44. Quick Slinger
Xevoz, Hasbro, 2004 $30/$15
Xevoz may have been the most fun toy line ever. It featured great articulation, total interchangeability and great design on crazy characters like this stylish cowboy with comically large guns. We mourn its demise

43. Soundwave MP3 Player
Transformers music label, Takara, 2007 $95/$50
Proof that Decepticons read Wired magazine: Soundwave—who previously became a fake cassette player—now actually plays digital audio files and has transforming headpho
nes to boot. Let’s see the RIAA get up in his grill.

42. Sweetums
The Muppets, Palisades Toys, 2004 (E: $32/$16
This big ball of shower-drain hair towers over the other Muppets in the line and features ingen
ious articulation, like eyelids that can droop to make him look either angry or sleepy.

41. “Graduation Day” Buffy
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Deluxe Series, Diamond Select Toys, 2007 $18/$4
Simply the best Buffy figure ever. With a spot-on likeness, extreme articulation and great accessories like a removable jacket, it’s the only Slayer you need.

40. Kwik-E-Mart w/Apu

S, Playmates, 2000 $34/$16
Thank you, come again! The Simpsons’ talking playsets were the heart of the line, and this intricately detailed store, with its magazine rack and Squishee machine, is our favorite.

39. Robocop
Hot Toys, 2006 $275/$150

Just about ev
ery Hot Toys 1/6-scale “model kit” is mind-blowingly excellent, and that definitely goes for their Robocop. His thigh holster actually works, and he comes with an alternate “Hey, up yours” spike hand.

38. Fozzie Bear
The Muppets, Palisades Toys, 2002 $12/$5
He’s funnier than the average bear, and better sculpted, too. Plus, Fozzy exemplifie
s Palisades’ attention to detail and fantastic accessories for their Muppets—he comes with a mic stand and a friggin’ rubber chicken!

37. EVA-01

Revoltech, Kaiyodo, 2006 $20/$5
Think robots are just clunky, stupid masses of steel and bolts? You, sir, are robotist. This import is the sleekest, sexiest bag o’ nuts in the history
of killer computers, and Revoltech joints are the bomb-diggity.

36. Predator the Hunter
Alien & Predator, McFarlane, 2003 $22/$6
If ever anything could be beautifully ugly, this is it. This Predator packs awesome articulation, a removable helmet and a removable forearm! Green blood has never looked so pretty.

35. Hyper Guardian
Xevoz, H
asbro, 2004 $18/$4
This hyper-exaggerated superhero from the Xevoz line has a color scheme that’ll practically blind
you and amazing accessories—over-sized power hands and a base that makes it look like he’s blasting off from the ground!

34. Alien Queen
Movie Maniacs, McFarlane Toys, 2003 $35/$8
Possibly the scariest piece of plastic ever conceived, the matriarch from the Alien saga ho
vers over a captured human host, an embryonic alien baby already emerging from its chest. Hold us.

33. Bela Lugosi as Dracula
Flatt World Figures, 1998 $15/$5
No figure has come as elegantly attired as this homage to the classic Dracula actor from our original Mego customizer. With eleven different kinds of fabric and a spre
ading cape, he cuts quite the imposing figure.

32. Mecha Hulk
Incredible Hulk,
Toy Biz, 2004 $30/$8
Argh, Hulk’s autoexec.bat file failing to execute successfully! An original creation designed by Art Adams, this main-framed rendition of Banner comes wi
th chest-firing missiles and a li’l Gremlin that hides in his back.

31. Gundam RX-78-2
Gundam Perfect Grade Kits, Bandai, 1998 $180/$100
At nearly two feet tall, this massive model
kit takes forever to put together, but once he’s done, you’ve got a highly articulated, awesome-looking robot with a lightsaber—er, beam sword. Best Gundam ever.

30. First Appearance Batman
Hasbro, 2000 $252/$15 (w/batman masterpiece edition book)
Based on his original costume by Bob Kane, this cloth-costumed Batman with a wire-poseable cape is the one that threw scumbags from roofs and smacked women around.

29. Lex Luthor
DC Super heroes, Mattel, 2006 $15/$4
time: Super Powers was an awesome ’80s line, and this armored Luthor is an excellent throwback. Why leave your head exposed, though? What an ego.

28. Wetsuit Lara Croft
Tomb Raider 2: The Cradle of Life, SOTA Toys, 2003 $18/$10
ing Angelina Jolie is less sexy than this skin-tight-wetsuit Angelina Jolie. SOTA’s great sculpt and articulation make this the closest we’ll ever get to spending quality time with Mrs. Pitt.

27. Millennium Falcon Han Solo & Chewbacca
Star Wars Transformers, Hasbro, 2006 $20/$8
Sure, it makes no sense, but it’s seriously fun. Each half-a-Falcon robot has sounds—including Harrison saying, “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

26. Ultimate Bruce Lee
Art Asylum, 2001 $65/$30
At a foot
and a half tall, this tribute to the Little Dragon is as well-muscled and flexible as the real thing. Two sets of ass-kicking duds included.

25. Swedish Kitchen w/Swedish Chef
The Muppets show, Palisades Toys, 2003 $60/$30
Utterly packed with detail, the Muppet Chef’s haunt has more kitchen accessories than Wolfgang Puck. Fresh veggies, pots, pans, cabinets, a fridge…with over forty add-ons, it’s setting some kind of record.

24. Keldor
Masters of the Universe, Mattel, 2003 (E: SDCC/WWC) $120/$55
to new continuity, Skeletor was originally the dashing Keldor who ate a vial of acid. The Four Horsemen-sculpted figure came with three heads: normal, skeletal and acid-eaten. Add in a cape and it’s the coolest Skeletor.

23. Millennium Falcon #4504
Star Wars, LEGO, 2004 $275/$150
Sure, you have to build the thing, but the end result is an awesome rendition of our favorite Star Wars ship. The top opens up so you can put all your Lego mini-figures inside and have them yell at Han when the hyper-drive bre
aks down.

22. Snake Eyes (Version 2)
G.I. Joe 25th Anniversary, Hasbro, 2007 $15/$4
Sigma 6 may take G.I. Joe in a whole new direction, but Hasbro’s 25th Anniversary figures do the same thing they’ve always done, just better than ever before

21. Super Grover
Sesame Street, Palisades Toys, 2005 (E: 2005 cons) $50/$15
If the sight of Grover dressed in a cape doesn’t give you the warm fuzzies, you might as well get a job euthanizing puppies, you monster. Bonus: a telephone booth and Clark Kent-esque nerd clothes!

20. Cloud Strife w/Fenrir
Final Fantasy: Advent Children Play Arts, Square Enix, 2006 $50/$2
Final Fantasy star Cloud Strife gets de-pixeled in this awesome import, which features a rubber-wheeled motorcycle and a sword large enough to impale even the most insolent of play dates.

19. Royal Naboo Starship
Star Wa
rs: Episode I, Hasbro, 1999 $100/$50
Whether you’re pro-prequel or anti-prequel, you can’t argue the hard specs of this ship: it seats up to seven figures, comes with a droid and you can damage it in battle. Plus, it’s huge.

18. Galactus
Marvel Legends, Toy Biz, 2005 na/$50
Hollywood be damned—Galactus isn’t some sissy-ass storm cloud: he’s a
huge-assed dude who eats stars and craps constellations. At 16 inches tall, this first-ever Legends build-a-figure does him due justice.

17. Masterpiece Megatron
Transformers, Takara, 2007 $150/$70
The only Transformer you should never aim at a cop, Megatron’s status as iconic robot-turned-gun scum is given proper tribute here. Pure awesome, providing Customs doesn’t seize it.

16. Sigma Strike Duke w/P.O.W.E.R. Armor
G.I. Joe: Sigma 6, Hasbro, 2006 $18/$4
Compensate much? Joe leader Duke comes with a multi-purpose cannon that can transform into a flamethrower or saw. And it actually makes sounds based on what weapon is attached! Smartest toy ever!

15. Adventure Kermit
THE Muppets, Palisades Toys, 2004 (E: 2004 Cons) $22/$8
How do you make a sensitive frog an action hero? Adventure Kermit is a fedora-sporting homage to Indiana Jones. He has a golden idol of Gonzo, and for the first time, Kermit’s packing heat!

14. Balro
Lord of the Rings Epic Scale, NECA, 2006 $100/$40
Delayed for years, NECA’s Balrog was worth the wait. Sporting a wicked whip, flames and a 30-inch wingspan, it might just be the most formidable fantasy figure ever created. Suck it, Kong.

13. Darth Maul

Lords of the Sith, Sideshow Toys, 2006 $50/$30
Episode I got at least one thing right: it had a villain that (nearly) rivaled Vader for pure menace. This 1/6-scale Maul could headline any Star Wars collection with his cloth outfit and multiple versions of his dual-bladed lightsaber.

12. Indiana Jones
Toys McCoy, 1999 $500/$400
So real you can practically smell the Calista Flockhart on him, this 12-inch Indy gets every detail perfect. You can even remove his socks…though if he’s fresh from the
Temple of Doom, we wouldn’t recommend it.

11. Sentinel
ML Series 10, Toy Biz, 2006 na/$50

The bane of the X-Men was a boon for collectors, as this imposing mutant-slaying robot came packaged as a 16-inch build-a-figure. Circuits and wires surround his frame, while tentacles shoot out from his palms, making him the most important figure in any X-Men collection.

10. Lt. Stone
G.I. Joe: Sigma 6, Hasbro, 2006 $20/$5
He may not be a classic Joe, but ol’ eyepatch here is one of the most fun figures ever. He sp
orts disguises to transform him into Zartan or a Cobra Trooper, a nifty cyborg arm, cool guns, a removable beret, handcuffs... If every toy was this much fun to play with, we’d never get work done.

9. Superman

JLA, DC Direct, 2007 $30/$10
Working it like the demigod he is, this Supes—out of literally dozens of renditions—ranks at the top. DC Direct re-issued this, their most articulated figure, several times, but this version’s ticked-off Tim Bruckner facial sculpt is the one we rock on our shelves.

8. Deluxe Hellboy w/Japanese Heads
Hellboy, Mezco, 2006 (E: SDCC/WWC) $34/$15
You couldn’t ask for a better comic art-to-toy transition than this Mike Mignola masterpiece. The con-exclusive version also sports a cloth trenchcoat that makes it the definitive figure of the B.P.R.D. favorite.

7. Masterpiece Voltron
Toynami, 2006 $150/$100

This amazing Voltron is a beautiful assembly of the various lions that make up his frame. Throw in the sword and you’re practically back in your footie pajamas, cutting the roof of your mouth on Cap’n Crunch.

6. Pitt
Legendary Comic Book Heroes, Marvel Toys, 2007 NA/$50
The height of build-a-figure perfection, Pitt has a paint job worthy of the Louvre, with shading and steroid-fed musculature that does a perfect job of replicating Dale Keown’s distinctive style.

5. Space Ghost
Space Gh
ost Coast 2 Coast, Toycom, 2000 $20/$5
In honor of his Adult Swim-spawning talk show, this Space Ghost comes w
ith a desk. In honor of his amazing Alex Toth character design, this Space Ghost boasts great articulation and sculpting to capture his iconic look.

4. Trap jaw
Masters of the Universe, Mattel, 2002 $10/$3
It takes a good sculpt to make a Filmation character appear menacing. Trap Jaw accomplishes it, though, with a litany of weapons at his disposal—including a fugly-ass head. Mattel took everything we loved about the original and made it…way better.

3. Sauron
Biz, 2002 $30/$10
Oh, Frodo gonna get an ass whooping! This plastic tribute to the end-a
ll-be-all of villains stands an imposing 10 inches tall. Press his buttons and his eyes will light up, growling several phrases from the flick. You can even cut his fingers off, including the one with the Ring That Rules Them All on it. Just looking at it makes our eyes get all big and fiery.

2. Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man 2, Toy Biz, 2004 $40/$20

If Spider-Man does everything a spider can, then this massive 18-inch movie figure d
oes everything Spider-Man can. Okay, it doesn’t stick to walls, but with 67 (!!!) points of articulation, including every knuckle of every finger, there’s nary a pose that Spidey can strike that this bad boy can’t replicate.

1. 20th Anniversary Optimus Prime
Hasbro, 2004 $95/$45 (Grey Gun) $90/$40 (Black Gun)
In the toy hierarchy, one figure stands alone. He can command the attention of any room.
He’s a model of design. He’s even been known to sway a toy-apathetic girlfriend or two. We cried when he died in the animated movie. Hell, one random dude even changed his name after him.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Transformers, Hasbro released the ne plus ultra (that’s French for “awesomest”) Optimus Prime, with enough detail to make even the most demanding fan gooey with lust. His appendages bend and contort with ease, while a switch on the back of his head allows his “mouth” to move. Flip open his chest plate and marvel at the Matrix of Leadership, a glowing blue ball of light that means he’s the boss. And did we mention he turns into a truck?

As the “Prime” example of the potential in toys, he’s the model to which all other playthings should aspire.